Negative Graphics.. Is it possible somehow?

Hey guys,
I was wondering if is it possible to make the colours/materials from a game to be rendered by player’s camera with a negative filter. Is it possibe? If yes, can u tell me how? :slight_smile:

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Via a post effect, it’s pretty trivial to invert the colour. Do a search, likely there’s a free one. If you mean per object then again, it’s a trivial matter to invert the final colour. What is not trivial is teaching someone how to program shaders, and I’m guessing you don’t know anything about them?

Something like enemy encounter screen effect on Parasite Eve II?
This post should help: Invert Colors Shader - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
Apply the shader to a plane and anything behind it will become inverted color.

Nope… I don’t know how to make a shader or stuff like that. I want to put a FPSController on a map and it camera has to revert the colors like the camera from a phone when you put the phone on negative effect.

I seen that to, but i need to apply this shader on every obj from my map to make them negatives?

Create a plane and put it in front of camera.


Oh, that make sense! :)) Thank u! I’ll try it now. :slight_smile:

It works very good thank you! :smile: