Oculus Quest hand tracking with Unity?

I guess most Quest fans already heard about (or saw) the new hand tracking features.

As far as I know it will be available “early” 2020 for the consumer version.

But I also heard that it is already available to devs to play around with it. So is it already possible to use the new hand tracking features of the Quest with Unity or is it currently limited to a few selected devs?

I want to make a “Virtual Pet” game/app and hand tracking would be perfect for it.

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Yes, this would be outstanding for developers to get started before the release date. Hopefully it is not limited.

Very interested, too!

Count me in, I love the look of what they are doing with this as well.

Any news?

Klingons have stolen the hand tracking, we must wait for their developers to capture the Klingons and release the functionality from their grips. We will maybe get an update on it a good 6 months after the Quest hand-tracking functionality is out to the public. Damn Klingons


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We’re excited about it too, as soon as we have news / dates / etc we’ll let you know.

We do already have rudimentary hand tracking support in the engine (Unity - Manual: Unity XR Input scroll down a bit to
Accessing hand-tracking data) and we’re looking at making that a lot more user friendly.

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it sounds extremely logical

The hand tracking is a new feature in Oculus Integration. I wonder if it is working with Rift S

It’s out for Unity:

Hand tracking setup on Quest:


The question is : Does XR.Hand can be used for the Oculus Quest ? Or do I have to use the Oculus Quest SDK ?

Yes, I’d like to ask if it’s possible to use the Oculus quest SDK for an Oculus RiftS project?

It isn’t working on rift until oculus add rift support. It’s a quest thing at the moment.

The Oculus Rift S does not support hand tracking and it hasn’t been announced for the Rift S. Don’t bet on it.

Did you have any chance to test this? It’s kinda annoying to test these kind of things with no real editor support for the Quest (I know there is Link, but that’s just “fake Quest as Rift mode” so Quest features like hand tracking still won’t work in the editor even with Oculus Link)

Restart Oculus Quest after system is updated.

Hello all,
Did anyone here got the hand tracking working on Oculus Quest?
The build of the Train scene from Oculus Integration, did not work for me…
I can’t even enable the “hand tracking” option on Oculus quest: this article says "enable the hand tracking in settings → all-> experimental features. but I don’t have this option on the quest we have.
Please share how you got it to work?

Opened bug report on Oculus developer Center

Is there a tutorial for setting this up with the Oculus Quest using Oculus XR plugin and without Oculus Integration Assets?

Also, does this work with Oculus Remote Rendering which was just added in v13 firmware recently - https://forums.oculusvr.com/community/discussion/86022/quest-go-build-13-0-release-notes/p1

“Remote rendering support for Unity has been added so developers can more easily build and test Hand Tracking apps through their PC”

Did you ever find out?

Nope :frowning: