Polybrush - Can i use Normal and Mask maps in HDRP?

Here is my case.
I am creating a landscape with a mesh instead of a terrain. I need to use more than 4 materials to paint on the mesh. At the moment i can paint only with Albedo using sample textures. (see attached image.)

My question is twofold,
A: Is there a way to paint 8 materials in Polybrush?

B:Can i add Normal and Mask maps on my materials?

Looking forward to your answers,

Thanks in advance.

I have the same problem, any advice would be greatly appreciated…

Answer to question two: To input normal maps, add more texture 2d inputs by adding them here:8180216--1065347--upload_2022-6-3_23-26-30.png
then dropping them into the graph, and duplicating the entire graph tree and just plugging the texture inputs to the corresponding sample texture slots, then plugging the entire output to the normal input of the material.

this works since its the same logic of lerping materials together to create a multi texture material, but you are just doing it with normal maps now.

Somewhat of an answer to question one: To add more texture slots, just create more inputs and extend the logic of combining textures with lerp, but I can’t really help with that since I just got into shader graph.

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The real question is why polybrush doesn’t offer normal maps support by default… who’s going to use albedo without normal maps in HDRP, very few if any.

I faced the same issue and dropped polybrush. Funny thing is it does support normal maps in built-in.

edit: you can add normal supports support by manually editing the shadergraph… still baffles my mind how it isn’t supported by default. Not a good look.

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Same thing in URP :slight_smile:
Feels like HDRP/URP samples were provided with the absolute minimum to get it working just to shut people up.

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Unity developer folks are not more than joke, its stupid to not include Normal and Mask map in HDRP Polybrush and these idiots even can make it as simple as standard terrain shader which allows custom painting.
You can’t paint each material individually in HDRP/LayeredLit because of those restriction in the mask section.
I wonder how the hell they even promote this stupid so called “High Definition Render Pipeline” its ridiculous to see Unity never learned from Unreal Engine and the features that Epic Games offers to their users.

Shame unity developers.
It has been several years still people faces such nonsense development gapes from your side.

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