Terrain generated from heightmap has extreme banding, issue with Unity's terrain tool or my heightmap?

Hi there, I am currently looking to create a terrain in Unity using the terrain tools in tandem with Houdini Engine. I have a heightmap generated on the Houdini side from a terrain made there, and I am looking to create a terrain in Unity engine using the heightmap. However, upon importing my heightmap, picking my resolution of 4K, and creating, I noticed there is some terrible banding on the terrain, something that is not visible on the Houdini side.
I would like to figure out if this is possibly an issue with Unity, if the heightmap is being compressed in some way, or if it is the issue with my heightmap.
I attached a screenshot of how it looks in Unity with the banding and how its supposed to look in Houdini. Any insight would be really helpful!!!

Is the banding you are referring to the texture stretching in more vertical parts of the terrain? If so, a worldspace shader (preferably with a tri-planer feature) can solve this.

Also, especially if you are modeling terrains, you should stick with meshs for your terrains and manage your own LOD’s if you want to have a very far view view distance and still be performant.

Anyways, I don’t believe the banding is a result of the heighmap, but moreso the shader. The later is a common issue and there are many solutions to address this.