There are no trees in 2020 (2020.3.37f), at least none with LODs.

Recently upgraded to 2020.3.37f and now all the terrain trees I was using (from nature manufacture) have stopped working with the warning in terrain editor “The selected tree does not have an LOD group, but has a hierarchy of MeshRenders, only MeshRenderer on root GameObjects in the trees hierarchy will be used. Use a tree with LOD group if you want a tree with Hierarchy of MeshRenders.”
I don’t get this issue if I use tree’s that are based off speed tree, but then I get a warning that it is using the default billboard.
What am I doing wrong?>

I dont use 2020, but the error message shows the answer. Secondly, why would you update during a project?. Thats the worst thing you could do. You should settle for one version for the life of your project, and never update, other-wise, problems like these will happen…

I should have been clearer, the tree has a LOL Group with each layer containing only a single game object with single renderer. The only trees which will work are ones created in SpeedTree. SO the message really should be “LOD only supported on SpeedTrees, please rebuy all assets from SpeedTree if you want LOD”


I understand that you should not change versions during a project, but I took a fix for an asset and it dragged me down an upgrade path.
