Unity Hub v.1.6.0 is now available


If you have not installed the Unity Hub before, you can find it here:
Download the Hub for MacOS
Download the Hub for Windows
Download the Hub for Linux

Otherwise, you should receive an auto-update notification in the next few hours, or when quitting and re-starting the hub.

Here are the release notes for this version:

Unity Hub 1.6.0

  • Fix the issue with the cloud projects (Fogbugz: 1120583)
  • Remove projects from the list when they are removed from the file system
  • Provide user organization info to the editor
  • Fix the issue with multiple update license requests

Unity Hub 1.6.1 (April 15th, 2019)

  • Fix issue with EULA on macOS Mojave Dark mode and Windows EULA links

Unity Hub 1.6.2 (May 2nd, 2019)

  • Fix an issue where Hub was sending multiple request to the Unity authentication servers
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link for Linux changed to https://public-cdn.cloud.unity3d.com/hub/prod/UnityHub.AppImage