That’s sad as Discussions is a mess and searching in it returns random results, some from ancient unity answers on Unity 5!!
@Major_Nelson to the rescue?! (Mission 1)
If it happens, that’ll be the end of my participation, most likely.
End of July.
That happens when you search these forums via google all the time too though, or not?
Hence how people necropost regularly
Anyways, probs better if commentary stays in the one thread:
I understand the “lets get everyone in one place” type thought process, but whats proposed isnt the answer. It should be reversed, bring the “Discussions” section into the forums as a “quick/random answer” type thread. This way, you have only the forum to worry about, instead of 2 seperate processes.
I was taught/learned over the years, that as a studio/company anything you can “combine or package together” was a good practice. So is Unity saying they want to make more work for themselves?.
Im hoping Major Nelson (new hire) can bring some basic common sense to the table (we all need it, lol).
Keep in mind
The current discussion is not representative of what will be the final product.
That being said, this is another PR/management rollout disaster. Only the beta testers know what it looks like, how it will work, and if it will be good enough to replace the forum.
You can’t find any forum results by “Unity 6” keyword too?
Google search, for answers to questions, is the biggest source of info on Unity due to the forum and official posts. If you change that, i bet your Google search results will be effected greatly/drasticly.
Bringing a new addition to the current forums (and maybe some cosmetic/visual changes, etc.) is a better choice. The cost of loosing Google links (to some of the best info on Unity over the years) can hurt and not help…
You’re underestimating how fast they crawl the web. Based off of my own searches when trying to help recently posted threads they appear to be crawling the forums on an hourly basis. That said you can also request a crawl via their APIs so it’s not like they have to discover the change on their own.
The issue is less that and more that a poorly handled transition, which we’ve seen Unity already do, will break any attempts to link to individual posts. This is going to be especially a problem considering how large threads that get indexed sometimes get individual pages indexed because they have search results on them. I doubt the transition will handle that gracefully either.
well, I was goanna complain a little bit about the swap but after looking into it and reading this thread I think will have to wait and see if complaints are necessary (hopefully not)
I will say I agree that having both is kinda weird, and honestly, I hope the new form will look more like this one then discussions
First they kill their engine, then they kill their reputation, finally they kill their community. Brilliant. I guess the executive vampire money harvesting scheme is nearly complete… time to close and move on to the next poor sucker of a company.
Not a fan of the Unity Discussions aesthetic. Way too much whitespace, too-bright ultra modern aesthetic that looks great in concept but isn’t pleasant to use, and the presentation of information makes you feel like taking three steps back from your computer so you can actually scope what you’re looking at. I’m sure it looks just dandy on phones.
I gotta say that given what’s happened recently with all the controversy, making sweeping changes to the forums and community isn’t the most reassuring move.
This move feels counterproductive. I really like the forums, and I don’t like the discussions. The forums contain lots of valuable information for developers using the Unity game engine, and the forums have always built a strong sense of community. Getting rid of the forums is going to push away some users. I will be shocked if this turns out well.
Ok Unity, the community/your users, have spoken. You now have your “feedback”. The general consensus is the same as my previous post…
Please add the Discussions idea into the current forums, and “fix up the place”, (add dark mode style, and any other improvements that can be made). You will save yourselves alot of time/work, and headache…
Please use the official thread to discuss, we don’t need multiple threads about this
Thread locked