What the hell. I just got my "License revoked"???


This is urgent!

My Unity Personal license just got revoked.
I got a popup in the editor saying this:


I am not going to close the editor or the hub.
I’m checking my emails and spam sections just in case but I haven’t gotten any message yet.

Any idea what I should do now?

and i guess you are not using it from work pc, work email or some large company/office network connection?
they have quite aggressive tracking for that, so might be false positive…

probably have to submit support request/ticket,
try posting that on unity discord also (once you have the ticket #) and put the number in this thread also…

no chances you did something with seats in your oganisation - i think i managed to do something similar once

I just got this on the Unity Hub as well, though looking at my account, personal license is still there.

I think this was a server hiccup. Can still use Unity fine.

It’s on Mac.
With the recent policy changes I think had to confirm the Personal seat something like two weeks ago IIRC but I can’t even remember it, it’s was such a nothing burger that now I’m even having doubts anything happened.
I have in fact gotten no message from Unity at all within all that time and I keep combing the mailbox.
I hope it’s a mistake. I can’t even understand how companies are not even held accountable, when one’s business entirely depends on it and they can kick you out just like that without further notice and never providing any explanation.

Just log into your Unity account through your browser and check your license is still in place. Hell, I can even see my license through the Unity hub.

Again, seems to be a server hiccup. No need to freak out.

The message appears as a top banner in the Hub too.

← click here (picture)

Yes, I got that too.

And again, my license was fine.

This just happened with me too and I can’t activate it!
I’m using Unity HUB 3.7.0 on Windows 10.
Just opened a ticket with the support…

Restarted my system as a last attempt and it worked!

Go figure…

I Have same issue on Windows 10.
Unity Hub 3.7.0

Whatever I do nothing works, I can’t activate license.


happened with me, restarted the unityhub which gives me a critical error. even after deleting the appdata roaming folder and reinstalling it. I installed the unityhub beta which boots but has no active license and when I try to activate a new personal license it cant connect to the server. I have no firewall or vpn or anything custom running…

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I just restarted my PC and it’s working again here…

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That works…


I tried everything except that BASIC thing.

A simple restart didn’t work for me. I tried this multiple times. I had to uninstall, shut down, restart, and then reinstall Hub and Unity.

Perhaps that’s why “restart only” helped me, because before that, I reinstalled the hub and deleted the C:\ProgramData\Unity folder. If I hadn’t done that, a simple restart probably wouldn’t have helped me
Well… whoever is reading this and having a problem should try these things.

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I had the error “the hub has encountered a critical error” when starting the program. I was able to fix it by completely uninstalling Unity and Unity Hub, but now when I start the Hub, I still get a notification that I need to activate my license. Has anyone been able to fix this? I tried rebooting the pc, it didn’t help.

Did you delete everything, also local data of Unity Hub?
Like in this video >

I just restarted Unity Hub a few times and everything started working, thanks

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I just got it too.

Hi folks,
This issue is now fixed! Could you please refresh the Hub and see if it works now?
Please try signing out of your Unity ID account in the Hub, quitting and restarting the Hub, and signing back into your Unity ID account again.

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