Where to find the crash log?

I am having crashing issues (mainly when using HDRP in Unity), both in the Editor and in a lot of my game builds, so I was wondering where (or how) to find the crash logs – preferably in both cases?

Thanks for any help.

Immediately after the Unity Editor crashes, if you open the Editor log file, you’ll see a line explaining where the crash information was stored. I think mine tend to end up in C:\Users\Dan\AppData\LocalLow\Unity

I’m not sure about when a build crashes. But you can turn on Unity crash reporting so that it uploads a crash report to Unity Services in the event of a crash. (https://unity3d.com/unity/features/cloud-diagnostics)

I found the error log and player logs (and crash.dmp) in my AppData folder. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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I know this thread is a bit old, but for future readers: There are a few tools out there nowadays to make crashes/errors in Unity easier to collect, analyze and debug (even across platforms!).

Backtrace I/O (https://backtrace.io/) for one, is a pretty solid solution for this type of thing. Has an SDK you can integrate into a Unity project via the package manager which sends error / crash reports to their servers so you can analyze + debug via their Web UI. Full disclosure: I work for them but the product is actually really helpful. I integrated it into my own game! Super helpful because it captures error info across all of my build platforms and captures a bunch of important info about the game’s state, the hardware specs + state at the time of the crash, etc… Note that it is free for solo developers to use as well!