Since the ilks of Polymesh are now depreciated and the tools to Vertex Paint within Unity Editor seem hidden, I am lost to where to turn.
I want to apply a moss texture to the base of my trees using a height map, or other control, to blend to the terrain my trees and plant meshes. I was using a shader that used Transmission, but it is not Rendering Pipeline compliant, or one that I can sell with my Foliage Packs.
I was trying to use a Blend Material, with two textures sets (Diffuse, Normal and AO) for each, but my skills in creating such materials are limited to following a tutorial. The only ones I can find on YT are all pre- Rendering Pipelines and years out of date.
The Unity Manuals on the subject were written when slate and chalk were fashionable so of little use. Does anyone know where I can find a YT tutorial that I can follow to create such a material/shader that are URP compatible?
The pictures show what I want to achieve, using a Material that I can include with my trees/foliage packs on the Asset Store, which excludes any Product on the Store due to the EULA, even if they are free.
I have managed to create a shader in Unreal, where there is Mesh paint tools built into the Editors, that covers all what I need, without infringing any copyright, as I created the materials myself. I can apply both colours and textures directly to the mesh using a vertex brush. The same way I could using Polybrush before the Rendering Pipelines.
Searching the web, not a single tutorial of how to achieve the same thing in Unity using the now De Facto built-in URP rendering pipeline. Most information relates to Polybrush, but with the introduction of URP, that is now defunct, with no replacement. I feel Unity has run off creating editors and pipelines, leaving a big gap behind with its Editors Toolset.
I, like so many Sellers on Unity cannot use a asset from the store, whether it is paid for or free due to the restrictions, EULA’s and Licences.
No mention from Unity about how they are going to fill this gap/polybrush that works with their wonderful new pipelines. I could find no information on Unitys own Docs, no information online, other than terrain materials, which are clearly not suitable.
I would use Blender for vertex painting.
Don’t hold your breath…
I have only used blender once for vertex painting. It was a tree and I found it cumbersome to use to be honest.
I have tried researching Materials that I could use for the process. All I have found so far, is a couple of videos that are 4-5 years old, they don’t speak specifically about the URP pipeline, so hard to follow. Unitys own documentation is several years out of date and the Materials section has no information about their pipeline shaders.
I do like the Pipelines as a progression, but despite its new pipelines, Unity 6 offers me very little above stability. Many useful tools have vanished and Unity do not respond when I enquired about some of them. At best I get, it’s on the roadmap…
I have even explored dropping the meshes into Unreal, as I normally do as part of my workflow… baking the materials into the mesh vertexes, and exporting the models as FBX and see if it translates into Unity. That is an awful lot of work for a relatively simple and default procedure of a standard editor/engine. Currently, of all the Editors/Engines I use, Unity is the only one that has no Model Vertex Painting tools.