Asset Hunter (Project cleaning tool)

Hi all

in 2011 i wrote a blog post on how to get a list of all unused assets in your Unity project. I released the source code for free, but quite a few people suggested to me that I could release it to the asset store. And now finally almost 4 years after I finally got around to make full rework of the tool, making it more robust, feature rich and user friendly.

Asset Hunter is a tool that analyzes your buildlog/scenes and gives you an easily understandable overview over unused asset in your project folder.
The results are grouped into folders and file types, making it easy to start cleaning up your project.
Additionally it lists the uncompressed size of all the assets used in the build, enabling you to better downsize your buildsize.

It also contains a reference graph which lets you see how assets reference each other. Additionally there is a duplicate tool that lets you find any duplicate assets in your project

Is this a tool for me?
Are you trying to go below a certain buildsize?
Are all the old placeholder graphics and models cluttering up your project?
Didn’t you ever get around to delete the auto generated materials after model import?
Do you have large amount of soundfiles in your project, but is only using a small number of them?
Does it seem like too large a task to remove obsolete assets?
Do you want to know which scenes reference a specific asset

If any of the above is true, or you just have a messy project. This tool might help you out

Link to the asset store

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I’ve heard that a couple of you get an OutOfMemory error when running the tool on really big projects.
This is a well known Unity Issue due to the way Unity deals with garbage collection and the fact that Unity is 32bit. I’ll try to see if I can make a workaround.

Ok, fixed. The tool is updated to handle much larger projects.
Will commit for approval in the asset store today or tomorrow, so hopefully the updated version should be avaliable within the week

is a person forced to create a build soo that the tool works, or its a real time tool

You need to create a build

Thanks for the reply. I notice another builder package that, after the build and the flush out of non used assets, that sometimes, it does flushes out used textures or meshes used in the scene.
Does your package prevents that from happening

Thank you again

Hi Paulojsam

It runs through the build log and finds all used assets, it then runs through all levels included in build and collects all used prefabs.
Then it presents you with a list of all unused assets which you can then manually delete.
With regards to the problem you mention other tools have with delete actually USED assets, I’ve never heard from anyone who had that problem with my tool. My tool wont delete an asset that is used in a scene.

But obviously, do a backup and apply consideration before mass-deleting something :slight_smile:

Hope this answers you question

Just submitted version 1.2.0 today.

  • Asset Hunter can now find all scenes that reference a specific asset.
  • Included Collapse/Expand all buttons
  • Automatically deletes empty folders after asset deletion
  • Fixed delegate serialization issue

Hope its approved and ready for download within a week

[Reply to deleted comment]

Yes, I guess I could add some settings for you guys to manually exclude certain folder, I’m doing it anyway with “Resources”+“Editor” and other folders, so its shouldn’t be to big of an issue to give you some manual control as well. That will be included in next release (After the one currently in review)

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Ups, just deleted my post, sorry.
I just bought AssetHunter and I like it.

Glad to hear it. In the version you have, there is a serialization bug, but that will be fixed in 1.2.0 which was submitted Nov.19 so I think it should be approved soon

75% off for 24 hours as part of the Unity Cyber Monday Sale:

I had a huge project going on for some years and this goodie saved me 400mb with a click. Worked like a charm.
But at the first look, I realised the scripts are not included to the process. I have many old and new scripts in folders that are used in many scenes, it would also take my hours to check if they are used in the scenes or not. Is there any way to make the Asset Hunter detect them also? It would increase my compilation time.

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It is definitely something that would be great to include, and on the top of my wishlist. The problem is that all script (Not editor scripts) are automatically included in build since you are allowed to add a script to a gameobject at runtime using string identification e.g. gameObject.AddComponent (“SphereCollider”)

I have yet to figure out a way to detect that in editmode, but if I figure out a work around I’ll definitely add it.
Currently I just wouldn’t know how to circumvent Unity in that way

I have found a way to let you change the settings to exclude the folders and types you want to. Need to do some UI work to make it user friendly, but it will be in next update

This is on sale today.:slight_smile: .

I purchased this handy asset and left feedback.

Hopefully dev does good with todays sale. Thanks for putting this tool on the asset store.

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Hi Newbee
Thanks for the recommendations, you rock!
So far the response have been really good and right now, “Asset Hunter” is the 3th most popular (Paid) asset on the store. Its cheap so I won’t become rich off this, but it should cover the Christmas presents :slight_smile:

Hi wheretheidivide

It only indirectly helps reduce build size. It lists the assets you are using by file size, allowing you to make some informed decisions on which assets you need to remove/downsize.

The description reads:
“Additionally it lists the uncompressed size of all the assets used in the build, enabling you to better downsize your buildsize.”

I’m sorry you thought it had automatic buildsize reduction, perhaps I need rewrite the description if it can be misinterpreted. Hope the functionality as described in the above helps you achieve a smaller buildsize anyway.

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this, according to this tool my skybox takes 90MB, I set it to “none”, and it reduced the build size. But the question is, why does the skybox take 90MB? the png file is just above 2MB

I’m not sure since I’m basically just using the information Unity outputs during the build process.
Afaik the skybox uses 6 textures, and you’re only mentioning 1. Maybe the other 5 are really big?