Built-in Muse chat as in the ads video from Unity

Hi, I’m interested on knowing how Muse Chat can be integrated in unity interface as you shown on your demo video to promote this AI feature. I’m asked Muse Chat itself and this is the answer. Could you please refer to a video tutorial to show how to do it? or confirm that the Muse chat is already built-in?

Thanks in advance for you help :slight_smile:

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HI @mapspace, today Muse Chat is a standalone web application allowing quick iterations until we find product-market fit with you, our beta testers!

We are looking into various alternatives on where Muse Chat could be helpful, so to understand your request better, would you mind specifying which Unity Interface you are referring to, or are there multiple?

Many thanks! :smiley:

I would assume they were referring to this part of the Muse highlight reel, as that was the reason I came in here as well. To see if there was a package link somewhere that I was missing, but I see that it is simply not released yet.

Hi @MostHated - Update here which I’m thinking you might have seen, but Sprite and Texture is now open to the public and available through your Muse subscription :raised_hands: Do let us know what you think!