How to apply Post Processing to specific layers?

I am trying to apply Post Processing to specific layers so it only affects specific objects in my game.
I am using the Universal Render Pipeline (URP).
I have already watched a few tutorials on setting up post-processing.
Below are the settings I have configured for the volume:

Below are the settings I have configured for the camera:

Note I was advised to create a 2nd camera and put it on my main camera to see post processing for specific layers.
The layer for the Volume , the Camera’s culling mask & volume mask were all set to the same layer.
I did all the configurations required, yet when I run this the ENTIRE SCENE is affected by the post processing.

What am I missing? Are there any more settings i need to configure? Or is it something else entirely?
Please help

One thing you could try is set the threshold on bloom to 1, then reduce the intensity of the materials you don’t want to have bloom. You should be able to increase the materials you want bloom on beyond the 1 value or try changing the color range to HDMI and pumping the color values to crazy high levels.

It’s worth a shot.

They recently (in unity 6) added transparency support with post processing to render textures.

That way you could have bloom on a render target and keep the transparency.

The only other way i can think of custom post processing with stencils or IDs. Or using a mask approach with a render texture.