⭐⭐ Realistic Third Person Shooter v1.0 for Playmaker ⭐⭐

Asset Store Link | Download Demo

(Must Own Playmaker!)
This is a ★ Very Detailed ★ Third Person Shooter Template

All the 3d models, sound effects, animations are included. No scripts. Only Playmaker FSMs!
It is fully customizable. You can easily change all settings with Playmaker Controls. Each Playmaker FSM is named and commented. It is very easy to replace it with your own 3d models.

➤ Best Features
:heavy_check_mark:240+ Humanoid Animations
(88 Secondary, 87 Primary, 49 Unarmed, 16 Misc. animations.)
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Parkour System
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Recoil System
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Zombie AI
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Hit System
:heavy_check_mark:Customizable Weapons
:heavy_check_mark:Interaction System
:heavy_check_mark:Destructible Objects
:heavy_check_mark:In-Game Input Manager
:heavy_check_mark:Demo Scenes Included (Scenario Level, Showcase Level, Testing Level)

➤ Details
:heavy_check_mark:Walking, Running, Jumping, Crouching and Ladder System
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Damage Detection (Near/Close Hit-Fall Damage)
:heavy_check_mark:Detection Types (Line of Sight-Sound-Hit)
:heavy_check_mark:Customizable Decal System
:heavy_check_mark:Customizable Footstep System
:heavy_check_mark:Multiple Weapon Slots & Ammos system
:heavy_check_mark:Pool System
:heavy_check_mark:Auto Pick-Up Ammo System
:heavy_check_mark:Slope Limit and Sliding
:heavy_check_mark:Lean Left/Right System
:heavy_check_mark:Easy Ragdoll System
:heavy_check_mark:Get Up System (Face up, down)
:heavy_check_mark:100+ Sound Effects
:heavy_check_mark:Hit Marker
:heavy_check_mark:Weapon Block System for near surfaces
:heavy_check_mark:Checkpoint System
:heavy_check_mark:Moving Platforms
:heavy_check_mark:Medkit Object
:heavy_check_mark:Grenade System
:heavy_check_mark:Camera Collision
:heavy_check_mark:Example FSMs
:heavy_check_mark:Death Screen and Pause Menu
:heavy_check_mark:Basic Turret AI
:heavy_check_mark:Interactable Objects
:heavy_check_mark:Physics Objects
-Explosive Barrel
-Destructible Chair
-Destructible Table
-Assault Rifle
-Sniper Rifle
-Submachine Gun
-Automatic Pistol
-Silenced Pistol
-Melee Weapon

and more…

➤ Advanced Weapon Settings for Each Gun
(You can make any type of weapon you want with this settings.)
:heavy_check_mark:Fire Speed
:heavy_check_mark:Magazine Capasity
:heavy_check_mark:Max Total Ammo
:heavy_check_mark:Firing Sound Radius
:heavy_check_mark:Fired Bullet When Fired
:heavy_check_mark:Aim FOV
:heavy_check_mark:Decrease Sensitivity When Aiming Factor
:heavy_check_mark:Eject Bullet Shell Delay
:heavy_check_mark:Reload One by One?
:heavy_check_mark:Reload Start Delay
:heavy_check_mark:Reload Done Delay
:heavy_check_mark:Reload Speed
:heavy_check_mark:Reload Drop Magazine Delay
:heavy_check_mark:Reload Take Magazine Delay
:heavy_check_mark:Reload Insert Magazine Delay
:heavy_check_mark:Use IK? (Left Hand)
:heavy_check_mark:Weapon Length (in meters)
:heavy_check_mark:Selective Fire (Fully Automatic, Semi-Automatic, Burst Mode)
:heavy_check_mark:Damage Head
:heavy_check_mark:Damage Body
:heavy_check_mark:Damage Arm
:heavy_check_mark:Damage Leg
:heavy_check_mark:Damage Physical or Interactable Object
:heavy_check_mark:Decrease Range Damage Factor
:heavy_check_mark:Hit Velocity (for physic objects)
:heavy_check_mark:Recoil Settings (for camera, for accuracy)
:heavy_check_mark:Decal Handler Bullet
:heavy_check_mark:Ejected Bullet Shell
:heavy_check_mark:Empty Magazine
:heavy_check_mark:Hit Marker
:heavy_check_mark:Muzzle Flash
:heavy_check_mark:All Sound Effects with adjustable play delays(Fire, Hit Marker, Aim On-Off, Pickup,Drop,Holster,No Ammo,Magazine Release-Insert-Slide Pull)


  1. Installation
  2. Creating a new Scene
  3. Changing Character Model
  4. Changing Weapon Models
  5. Changing Melee Weapon
  6. Adding New Weapons
  7. Changing Character Animations
  8. Changing Zombie Model
  9. Changing Particle Effects



-Character Movements while ragdolling
-Ragdoll Blend to Animation
-Sliding System

If you purchased the previous TPS Asset, you can get this package for free. Contact me by e-mail with the invoice number.

Hi Meka Games, I’ve been using your packages for some time, I bought two or three of your assets.

I was very interested in your new work, congratulations on the results.

You intend to add more stuff to this asset and a video tutorial like the others.

Thank you very much, I will be purchasing your product again ?

Thank you! Tutorial video is coming very soon.

Just purchased the item above to use with the playmaker and to enhance my creativity faster, thanks for the hard work you put in for everyone to tap into, definitely will be awaiting for the tutorials on car/vehicle enter/exit system using cinemachine camera correctly in playmaker…i am currently using unity/playmaker, and my player does well with the enter/exit of vehicles, yet if the car crashes and turns upside down or anything, once i get out the car the camera is now all crooked and the movements are very off, if i get back into a car while camera still crooked, the car is ok to drive (a new one that’s not wrecked, yet if i get out that car the camera never reverts back to the Player follow camera…if this package has a better trajectory for car/vehicle system, I will be waiting…Peace

Really nice pack!

It would be cool to add a climbing system to it!

This asset really looks interesting. But does this support gamepads out of the box? Or I need to make modifications?

Thank you very much

I just watched the video, nicely done

I’m very unfamiliar with the driving system. I can do a very simple driving system in the future, but don’t expect anything too detailed.

Yes it supports. All you need to do is to change the input settings from the options menu.

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Hey that would be cool…

Have you tried the demo? :slight_smile:

I think this feature may not fit the mood of the package I want to make.

I’m thinking just in top of being able to climb a ladder to be able to hang on a ledge

The parkour system already exists, just the character cannot hang on a ledge. Most AAA games don’t have this feature anyway.(e.g., the last of us)

Where can i change the Camera Look to Gamepad Right Stick along with the Mouse, so much FSM i can’t seem to find the right place to add a Button for the Gamepad RIght Stick camera look add on, what do I use for the system you created, I see the Better Mouse Look x/y, yet not trying to mess anything up, it is setup so perfect, just need proper navigation insight…Please throw a bone at me…Peace

By the way, this is perfect playmaker system setup, much Kudos, just needs a navigation on your setup, everything else is self explanatory, been unpacking this for two days now…

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Uncharted :slight_smile:

Anyway thanks for getting back to me and it 's no problem if it does not happen.

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I will test it with my gamepad. I will get back to you very soon.

Thanks a lot…


I opened an account here for additional requests.

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