[UPDATED] Advanced Survival Kit for Playmaker: FPS Game Template

Asset Store Link | Download Demo
(Standalone and Android APK)

(Must Own Playmaker!)
This is a :star:Very Detailed​:star: FPS Survival Game.

All the 3d models, sound effects, animations are included. No scripts. Only Playmaker FSMs!
It is fully customizable. Each Playmaker FSM is named and commented. It is very easy to replace it with your own 3d models.

Best Features
:heavy_check_mark:NEW :arrow_forward: Mobile Controller
:heavy_check_mark:NEW :arrow_forward: Clothing and Armor System
:heavy_check_mark:NEW :arrow_forward: Better Demo Scene
:heavy_check_mark:Inventory and Crafting System
:heavy_check_mark:Build System
:heavy_check_mark:Status System (Health-Hunger-Thirst-Radiation-Stamina)
:heavy_check_mark:Placeable Objects System
:heavy_check_mark:Interaction System
:heavy_check_mark:Day/Night Cycle System
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Enemy AI
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Animal AI
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced “Lootable Area” System
:heavy_check_mark:Destructible Objects
:heavy_check_mark:45+ Collectible Items
:heavy_check_mark:Demo Scene Included
:heavy_check_mark:In-Game Cheat Console

:heavy_check_mark:Walking, Running, Jumping, Crouching, Prone, Swimming and Ladder System
:heavy_check_mark:Player Effects (Starving-Thirsty-Sick-Bleeding-Broken Leg-Drowning-Heat-Too Cold)
:heavy_check_mark:Advanced Damage Detection (Near/Close Hit-Heat-Cold-Fall Damage)
:heavy_check_mark:Detection Types (Line of Sight-Sound-Hit)
:heavy_check_mark:Recoil System
:heavy_check_mark:Decal System
:heavy_check_mark:Customizable Footstep System
:heavy_check_mark:Weapon Slot System
:heavy_check_mark:Item Quality System
:heavy_check_mark:Pool System
:heavy_check_mark:Seed Plant System
:heavy_check_mark:Fishing System
:heavy_check_mark:Peek Left/Right System
:heavy_check_mark:Ragdoll Physics
:heavy_check_mark:Hit Marker
:heavy_check_mark:Weapon Sway
:heavy_check_mark:Death Screen and Pause Menu
:heavy_check_mark:Basic Turret AI
:heavy_check_mark:BOSS Zombie AI
and more…

Craftable and Placeable Objects
:heavy_check_mark:Bed ➙ The player can respawn at the Bed by dying and pressing the Home button. Also can sleep at night.
:heavy_check_mark:Campfire ➙ Source for cooking and when near it, nullifying the freezing effect in turn
:heavy_check_mark:Crate ➙ For storing items
:heavy_check_mark:Recycler ➙ Used to break items into raw materials
:heavy_check_mark:Repair Bench ➙ Repair broken items back to a usable state
:heavy_check_mark:Torch ➙ Provides a little light



  1. For creating a new scene please [CHECK THIS]( [UPDATED] Advanced Survival Kit for Playmaker: FPS Game Template page-3#post-7110967) post.
    Or watch the video:
  1. For other Render Pipelines please [CHECK THIS]( [UPDATED] Advanced Survival Kit for Playmaker: FPS Game Template page-3#post-7188253) post.


-In-Game Input Manager. (added)
-Mobile Controller. (added)
-Clothing System. (added)
-Skill Tree System. The player will earn skill points by surviving and killing zombies and will be able to improve himself with these skill points.
-BOSS Zombie for some areas. (added)
-Friendly NPC.
-Armed enemy NPC
-Weather Conditions.
-Bigger Demo Scene. (added)
-Water Barrels filled with rain.
-The house will break as time passes. It will need to be repaired.
-Item infos for Crafting page.
-Improved Day/Night cycle. (added)
-Better Pause Menu UI. (added)
-Randomly walking zombies in towns.
-Save/Load System.
-Controller support.
-Random Airdrop
-Realtime Character UI. (added)


are you planning to add multiplayer?

Yes indeed, after adding new features.

Save Load?

No, this feature does not exist. You can use your own save / load system.

Please add Save/Load
add Main menu and Ingame menu

I plan to future update?

Added to my To Do list.

I’m getting an error when trying to download the demo.

It is working for me. Try a different browser?

Tried Firefox, Chrome and Edge.

Try this one. Click the download button.

When I click the download button it takes me to the screenshot I sent you.

So weird. I will sent you a different link. Check your pm.

I know right. I contacted the GoFile site and they don’t even know what’s going on. Thanks, I look forward to testing this. :slight_smile:

Assets\PlayMaker Custom Actions\AdvancedControllerSettings.cs(9,47): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘FsmStateAction’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

999+ errors

Which version are you using?
Have you installed the latest version of Playmaker?

Any idea on how this might function in a VR environment? Hoping to buy it if doable

fixed! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Suport save load? and Easy save system or asetstore?

I have no VR experience. No idea.

No Save / Load feature. However, it can be done with a different asset.