Hi, I’m having some problems with my shader graphs in that they don’t preview as I expect, everything I make looks so flat. I’ve set up my universal render pipeline in the project exactly like in the unity example scene. Here is a basic water shader with a Fresnel effect and a reflection probe applied but the preview just looks like a dull, blue ball. Am I missing something really basic? Any help is appreciated.
You’re feeding the fresnel effect into the material’s albedo, so the lighting is applied on top of it. If you want the shiny effect, redirect it to emission. You also won’t see the effect of reflection probes in shader graph’s preview, it will only be visible in a scene (which has reflection probes). In general, you don’t really need to use reflection probes in your graph, just increase the smoothness (and maybe play with metallic) and see how it looks in the scene.
Thanks for the rapid response, it’s looking so much better now thanks!