Unity Error code: CS0117

Please Help I have been trying to fix this for sooooooooooooooo long HELP

I assume you’re basing this off a tutorial? You may want to compare your code with it then. Namely, you will want to compare your capitalisation, which is important in coding.

You didn’t provide enough “Context”, literally. :wink:

What type is Context? Does it have a ReadValue method? What’s the complete error message?

You can google those error codes btw to learn what they mean, for example the reference is:

got it ill show you the error
Screenshot 2025-01-23 163405

I tried that all my capitalization is fine

I mean the Vector2.x property uses a lower case x, not a capital one.

Again, are you following a tutorial here or something? Please post more of your code, and do so with code tags, not as a screenshot.

here is all my code oh and yes i am using a tutorial

Right, so your capitalisation is all wrong. Your variable is context with a lower case ‘c’. You are trying to use Context with a capital ‘C’, which is not correct.

Vector2 should be capitalised.

I believe you’re doing the Unity Learn junior coding tutorial. The script seems pretty messed up with all the #pragma and such. I think you should start fresh and follow it more closely.