So I’m on Unity 2019.3b and the built in URP post processing is not doing anything
This is the default URP project with no modifications. ‘Render Post-processing’ is enabled on the camera. Any idea what’s wrong?
So I’m on Unity 2019.3b and the built in URP post processing is not doing anything
This is the default URP project with no modifications. ‘Render Post-processing’ is enabled on the camera. Any idea what’s wrong?
I think you should read the manual first.
You need to add a Volume script to an object, like your camera, make it’s mode Global so that you can see it everywhere. Volume also needs a Profile, that’s where your post-processing configuration is stored.
Then add at least one Override and adjust it’s settings enough so that you see some changes appear in your image.
Please check the pictures above. I did all of that.
I don’t see any volume in your screenshot.
You need this:
EDIT: Ok, I didn’t click your small image. There’s a volume. Next time crop the appropriate area that requires attention.
And you have also created an URP asset and assigned it in the project settings?
for anyone else who is stumped by this, make sure your URP profile has the V2 feature set enabled. Apparently they’re going to deprecate it on URP(?!) but for now it gets the job done with the usual setup, but defaults to “integrated”.
Would be great to have more info on this documentation - feels like the PP stack keeps fundamentally changing, which is kind of frustrating.
@michaelybecker they put the PPS v2 compatibility back to URP 7.2 and it will be removed in 2020 if I remember correctly. And after that you only can then use the URP post-process… Hopefully then we will have ability to write custom post effects, and have some documentation too.
The URP won’t work for me either. Doing everything tutorials say that have to be done, but none of the effects are showing anywhere (in-game or in scene). All this with just a camera and a volume with overrides.
Do you get any errors in the console?
I too am having trouble getting the post processing working in my own scene. The SampleScene from a new URP project works, but when I go through the documentation and create a fresh scene they don’t. If I pick the sample Volume profile too it doesn’t work. I can’t for the life of me work out the difference between the two scenes. Am using Unity 2019.3.10f1 and URP 7.3.1
My steps:
Create a new scene, add a plane and a cube.
Add a Global Volume
Create a new Volume profile (using the New button in the Global Volume inspector)
Add a vignette, make it red just to be certain and intensity of 1.
No visual changes in editor and in play mode.
ARRRGH. Found the problem! There is a Post Processing flag hiding in the camera! Not documented in the post processing documentation and off by default. Grrr Unity!
The Volume should have a warning box if no camera can show it or else loads of people will miss this too.
This wasn’t working for me either. I got it working by setting the following options:
Volume layer is default:
Post-process Volume → Layer - > Default
Volume mode is global:
Post-process Volume → Volume Mode → Global
URP Settings post-processing is enabled:
Project → Assets → UniversalRP-HighQuality → Post-processing
Main Camera has post-processing enabled:
Main Camera → Rendering → Post-processing
Main Camera volume mask is set to default:
Main Camera → Environment → Volume Mask → Default
Note that the effect does not show in the Camera Preview. You have to go into Game mode to view it
Currently using the 2020.1 beta, none of this worked for me.
Putting the volume on the camera, putting it on an empty game object, a global volume game object, deleting the pipeline entirely and reinstalling it, deleting post-processing v2 package, deleting LWRP (and then of course having it reinstalled when I reinstall URP), deleting the camera and creating a new one, trying various layers, putting the GO and camera on the same layer, unchecking and checking post-processing in camera settings, creating a volume trigger, fixing any outstanding errors, and at least 6 other things.
Post-processing as far as I can see in my project is simply broken. I have to be missing something, but if I am it’s nothing anyone has yet suggested anywhere that I can find.
I hope this helps - I was having the same problem! Turned out I clicked something under the environment rollout in the Inspector for the Camera.
Scroll down to the bottom and rollout out the Environment tab. Make sure ‘Volume Mask’ is set to ‘Everything’ (or just the same layer as the PP volume object at least). Might help someone
Thanks KimTurley,
Main Camera has post-processing enabled:
Main Camera → Rendering → Post-processing
That made it for me, it cam disabled.
Ok so I’ve had this issue for more than 3 months now, and after literally trying everything that has been suggested on the entirety of the English language internet and then some, I’ve found something that fixed this issue in my particular case.
I had no errors when opening the project or running it, but when I clicked on the PostProcessProfile in the project window it threw me an ASyncHTTPClient:smile:one(State, Int32)
error, and using the fix here resolved the issue for me:
For me, restarting after trying that solution wasn’t enough, I had to also delete the PostProcessingProfile asset file, and then restart (Visual Studio included). Creating a new PostProcessingProfile via Volume in the inspector then worked as expected.
Not sure what the heck was going on, but if anyone else has a persistent issue with PP not working, this is something to give a shot if everything else has failed.
I solved it for me i guess.
I assume the problem was that i tried using the hdrp in the same project earlier.
The Volume Profile asset created by the Volume when i clicked new did not have the right format:
I used the Asset from the urp sample scene instead and it works fine, but newly added Overrides are still wrong.
Guess i have to move everithing to a clean Project?
Ah and i forgot when i am playing it is not doing the post processing effect
And this is too…