Viewing HDR content on Display HDR Monitor in Scene / Game mode

I bought a new monitor after my old monitor stopped working. It has a display HDR certification and I can see a big difference in quality when I watch HDR videos on youtube or UltraHD discs on windows.

In unity, if I enable HDR in the display settings and the player settings I can view a HDR output but only after I build and compile a windows PC project. In the Scene / Game view I can only get LDR to display. This is no good. Microsoft Edge and VLC can display HDR content easily for multiple open windows so I know it should be possible.

What can I do to enable this in the runtime editor and game mode so I can easily see what I am doing?

Any help?

It’s a unity limitation. You’ll only get HDR output on builds.

Well that’s not true.
In the “project settings → player → other settings” there is an option “use display in HDR mode” and you can even select the bit depth.
This is for me in the Version 2021.3.23f1 and I know that it’s there in later versions as well.

I’d like to know if there is a way to also show the scene view in HDR, as this setting only seems to show it in the game view.

Ran into this today after getting some new HDR monitors… very annoying. I have a custom render pipeline and just added HDR support to it, but it seems that Unity only switches the backbuffer to the correct format in game view, this makes no sense. Also it only works in DX12, but not DX11.

Quite annoying to have to go into play mode every time to try and check content for lighting, color, etc.

(Using 2022.3.10f1)