Animation Rigging Package - ChainIK only works on objects already in scene when played...

Hey Everyone,

This is my first time posting on these forms, so I apologize if I did anything wrong.

Here is the problem: I am using Unity’s Animation Rigging Package, Specifically the ChainIK Constraint component. This component works exactly how I would expect it to when applied to any object that is already in the scene.

But when I try to instantiate objects that are also using the ChainIK Constraint, the instantiated object’s Inverse Kinematics do not work. Despite the fact that {The object that was already in the scene before hitting play & The object that was instantiated while I was playing} are both based on the same prefab.

There should be no difference between these two objects, and yet I cannot figure out why the IK is not working and how to start going about fixing it.

More Context
Editor Version: 2021.3.7f1
Animation Rigging Version: 1.1.1

If anyone has any information that may be helpful, please do share :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time,

  • Ronnie

Welcome. So you know, we have dedicated forums you can use. Your post is about animation, not the editor so I’ll move your post to the Animation Rigging forum.