Planar Reflection - Probes?

I have seen mention of planar reflection probes which seems like a good addition as sometimes you want do good flat-mirror reflections which do not want to be done with a cubemap
But is this a 2018.3 beta feature or only in HDRP - I do not see any in the ditor?

HDRP feature.

Planar reflections have been available for several years in the form of community made scripts, official free Unity assets, and paid store assets.

The fourth in a long line of planar reflection shaders written by Unity’s own Aras.

PBR reflections with roughness written for the Adam demo.

Unity’s official Standard Assets package which includes some water shaders and related scripts that do planar reflections.

A free asset on the store that popped up when I did a quick search.

A VR friendly mirror asset.

And lastly if you need something that works with the LWRP, a Unity employee made this “game” in his free time which includes planar reflections on water.


Great, I did use a free one from asset store before but has gone away so thanks for the links.

An official inclusion would be nice too.

I agree with @bgolus , but the HDRP implementation of planar reflection probes is a bit different : most of those links are directly shading a plane with reflections, whereas the planar reflection probes will work like regular reflection probes, affecting the reflection any objects within their influence volume.

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Anyone know why the probe goes black when enter play mode but shows ok in editor ?

In unity 2018.3


Edit: found the issue was just a marginally small affect box :slight_smile:

How can you create more then 2 planar reflection probes? I constantly get the error messsage - Exceeds previous array size (3vs 2). Cap to previous size.

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Does any body knows why “Planer reflection probe” cannnot use a custom deformed mesh and only works with basic default meshes? Is there any workaround to have mirror effect in Unity HDRP?

P.s. Old mirror shaders are not working in HDRP. Render Texture works again only with premitive meshes and cannot project into deformed meshes.

Is there anything out there that works on Universal Render Pipeline (formerly LWRP)?

The boat attack project has an updated 2019.3 , LWRP (URP? SRP) shader that has the planar reflections. i was hoping i could create one in shader graph that uses the same property id defined by its script, but im having difficulty, and it seems thats why he wrote it by hand instead, to access/define that planar reflections global shader keyword.

So yes, and the code and shaders exist in that project for it.


Just checking, so planar reflection and screen space reflection are available on HDRP and the default renderer but not availabe in the URP (except via asset store extras)

Indeed URP doesn’t have them yet. As for the built-in renderer, there is no planar reflection, only “planar mirror” scripts, which is a bit different.

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Planar reflections in URP - when?


What is the difference ? Thanks

Also how can i get hdrp planar probe to reflect custom hdrp image effects ? Is it possible ?

HDRP’s Planar Reflection Probe integrates into the existing lighting & reflection system. You just have to place them where you need them and HDRP’s shaders will use the planar reflection probe or non-planar reflection probe seamlessly where it’s appropriate, even within a single object, and react believably with the normal maps and roughness of their materials.

Planar mirror scripts conceptually are similar in how they render the reflection texture, but there’s no built in support for them with the existing materials or lighting system so they’re generally limited to custom shaders that only use the planar reflection texture.


any planar reflection support Oculus Quest 2 ? support Unity2018.4.35 is better.

what should be used in unity2018.4.
“planar mirror” is not able to combile a normalmap with it in order to make a water surface.

what tech should be used in unity2018.4 for planar reflection or water surface using unit’s builtin surface shader. thanks!

“most of those links” → Planar mirror