So i just imported some things from the asset store and, everything is pink. If i zoom out it turns normal, but whe i zoom in again everything turns pink again. I have uploaded a picture with it.
I found out i makes 3 errors i just don’t know how to fix it. the following errors is this:
(RED !) shader error in ‘Hidden/TerrainEngien/Splatmap/Lightmap-FirstPass’: ‘vert’: output parameter ‘o’ not completely initialized at line 44
(YELLOW !) shader error in ‘Hidden/TerrainEngien/Splatmap/Lightmap-FirstPass’: ‘distance’: implicit truncation of vector type at line 57
(YELLOW !) shader error in ‘Hidden/TerrainEngien/Splatmap/Lightmap-FirstPass’: implicit truncation of vector type at line 76
I also found out it’s the shaderclass in ATS Colormap that is doing it. The file name is TerrainReplacementColorMap_noiftexturefetch
I can post the lines that makes the problems is you guys need them?
That issue there means that the DX11 renderer is being used, and for some reason, one of the parameters in whatever shader pack (or terrain pack, of which some do include their own shaders) that you downloaded isn’t initialized like it should be for a DX11 shader.
I can help fix it up if you like. just post the problem shader here, and I will figure out what value inside it is causing issues. (Probably a coding shortcut that works in DX9, but not DX11… )
Hey, being that you replied to this fairly recently, I figured I’d ask you for help. I just imported an asset package and everything (including materials, prefabs, and models etc etc were all pink.) How did you go about changing the profile of the graphics to make this go away? I tried changing the shader to lightweight pipeline and that option isn’t even available to choose from. Any suggestions? Thanks
Posting on a necro since none of those solutions worked for me.
If your project is a new Universal Project Template, and you import 3D model assets, then the shaders likely don’t know how to handle the “old / legacy” materials. As a result, all your models look pink. I don’t really know why it doesn’t work, but I’m sure someone will post a correction to my post (instead of having just answered the problem to begin with).
This worked for me:
Edit > Render Pipeline > Universal Render Pipeline > [choose what you want, likely upgrade the project]
My guy, this is at LEAST a 7 year old thread.
Also that is not a solution for everyone; some people can and do make do with the Built-in Render Pipeline. URP often requires reworking significant amounts of a project otherwise built around the Built-in Render Pipeline.
I was able to solve this by going to Edit → Project Settings → Quality → and then selecting a Render Pipeline Asset. cause mine was somehow set to None.