Texture Problem for a FBX imported from 3DS max

This is my scene as you can see that the sphere I created from unity shows the texture as it should but when I apply the texture to the selected object it turns into a solid color. This is only evident on curved surfaces as the column object above is also part of the model I imported and it shows the concrete texture correctly. is there anything I can do without reimporting the model.

probably missing UV map, would be best to fix that in 3D application. (blender, 3ds max…)

you could apply some basic UV mapping into that mesh inside unity with script,
planar uv map (maybe not suitable) Unity - Scripting API: Mesh.uv

or maybe ProBuilder or some Model Editors from asset store could work also to edit UV maps.

QUVEditor | Modeling | Unity Asset Store or others

or using triplaner shader material (no need uv maps), not sure how would that look (can find some free ones in forums too)

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Thanks i solved this by downloading the triplanar texture you suggested and applying my own texture on it.