How To - Capturing Device Logs on Android

For troubleshooting and debugging, it is often very helpful to capture the device logs. The device logs contain information about the status of a running application on the device and any errors encountered. The IAP Engineering team requires logs for open issues. It is assumed here that you have an Android device configured with Developer options and attached to a PC with a USB cable. These steps show the process on a Windows system and works similarly on a Mac

  1. In Unity, find the location of the Android SDK. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences/External Tools
  2. Look for the Android SDK. On my system it was C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
  3. Open a command prompt, and change to this directory.
  4. Change directory to the platform-tools subdirectory.
  5. You should see adb.exe in this directory.
  6. With the device connected via USB, run the following command:
    adb devices (Mac is ./adb devices)
  7. This should return device serial number followed by the word “device”
  8. Run “adb logcat | findstr -i unity” (use grep on Mac) in the terminal window. This will find anything with the word “unity” in the output, case insensitive.
  9. This will provide the contents of the device log that are associated with a running Unity application

The output can be quite verbose. You can browse through the log however, looking for such words as “error” and “exception”. Sometimes customer support will ask for device logs, in which case you can send the output to a text file with the command “adb logcat -d | findstr -i unity > log.txt”